Discover wellness-focused connections


At, we understand that finding the perfect roommate goes beyond just sharing living space; it's about creating a harmonious environment that supports your overall well-being. We are dedicated to fostering wellness-focused connections and helping you find a roommate who shares your values and promotes a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Healthy Living
Roommate Match
man in black shirt and black hat sitting on black chair
man in black shirt and black hat sitting on black chair
grey and white computer keyboard beside grey headphones
grey and white computer keyboard beside grey headphones

A great platform for finding roommates who share my healthy lifestyle.

Bormology /noun/

borm•ol•o•gy /‘bor-‘ma-le•je

Bormology is a social science exploring the intricate balance between roommates.

three woman looking back and facing body of water
three woman looking back and facing body of water

Roommate Emergency Survival Consultation

I. Introduction

A. Overview of Roommate Emergency Survival Consultation

B. Importance of Integrating Roommate Financials C. Analogy Linking Roommate Financial Health with Wellness

II. Initial Assessment

A. Gather Information on Roommate's Financial Situation

B. Identify Financial Goals and Challenges C. Assess Current Financial Practices and Budgeting

III. Developing a Financial Plan

A. Create a Budget Tailored to Roommate's Needs

B. Establish Emergency Savings Fund

C. Discuss Debt Management Strategies

D. Explore Income-Boosting Opportunities

IV. Implementing the Plan A. Set Up Automated Savings and Bill Payments B. Monitor and Adjust Budget as Needed C. Seek Additional Financial Education and Resources.

***Complete the contact form below for consultation
